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We would love to hear from you

If you are looking for a company that is professional, honest, clean, and loyal, you have found us. “We do what you say”! We are dedicated to giving you the best experience, so that we can continue to be your #1 handyman and remodeling service provider.


Phone: (810) 629-1906 or (866) 694-8229


Husband For A Day
P.O. Box 71. Fenton, MI 48430

Email address:


Estimates are $25.00.


Service Fee: $70.00

Handyman/Plumbing/Electrical Labor per hour: $85.00

If the Job requires Two Husbands, Labor charge is per husband per hour.

Packages exclude tax and material:

1 hour: $155.00

2 hour: $240.00

3 hour: $325.00

4 hour: $410.00

5 hour: $495.00

6 hour: $580.00

7 hour: $665.00

8 hour: $750.00

Our craftsmen are here for you.

Get started today

We service the following counties: 

Genesee, livingston, Oakland, and Shiawasee

Ready to get started?

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